*Jury is still out , awaiting enough external validation.
So far I've won a few awards (both student and "grown-up" ones), I did a collab with the sun, worked abroad for a bit, came up with a music album by and for the deaf, but also a quite gory fashion store where you pay with pain, had a lot of fun creating a few really nice print ads based on awkward conversations with my dad.

I also made the scariest company in Sweden's debt-collecting it-recruiting funny, had some grandiose and unlikely plans of trying to change road safety infrastructure for all of Europe, but  settled for some mayor-tweeting-worthy award-winning billboards in London aimed at helping minorities, and wouldn't you know it? - A bumbling, rambunctious bunch of other fun projects I'm really proud of. 
that was a lot of commas, glad that's over.
Some are in English while some är på svenska: check em out here!  
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